Thank you for visiting my campaign website.
During this campaign, I hope you will encourage your friends and family
members to visit this website to learn more about our campaign to maintain
integrity and efficiency in the office of the Floyd County Tax
Our county generates about $60,000,000 a year in revenue. As Tax
Commissioner, it is my duty to see that the fair collection and allocation
of those revenues are done in a manner that most benefits the citizens of
our community. Each year, every Floyd County resident who owns property
has contact with the Tax Commission office. I hope that your experience
with my office has been one of friendliness and respect. It is something
my dad taught me as owner of Rome Seed & Feed, and it is something every
person deserves.
I hope that during this campaign I will have the opportunity to meet and
talk with you more about the progress we have made in this office, and my
plans for the future.
As I get out at campaign events and go door-to-door, many Republicans,
Democrats, and independent-minded people have said they are supporting me,
and I really appreciate that. I am proud that I have the support and
endorsement of many Republican and Democratic leaders who support the
progress we are making.
Again, thank you for visiting this website. If I can be of any assistance
to you, please feel free to call or email me.
Kevin Payne